Take the first step towards more profit in fewer hours by downloading the Free Profit Maximizers.

Grow More Profit in Fewer Hours

5 Consistent Profit Maximizers For Kingdom Entrepreneurs

The 5 Consistent Profit Maximizers

Enter your best email address to download The 5 Consistent Profit Maximizers proven to multiply Profits in Less Time
• Simplify your life.
• Eliminate distractions & increase productivity
• Live at the center of God's will for your life.
• Eliminate fear and experience freedom.
• Build a predictable & profitable business.
• Enjoy more time with your family.
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“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

– Acts 1:8 NIV
“The purpose in a man’s heart is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.”

– Proverbs 20:5 ESV
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.”
– Matthew 25:21 NIV

Your Consistent Profit Tree Systems

Consistent Power System

Develop your relationship with God so you can follow His plan for your life and business consistently.
Consistent Purpose System

Find, follow and fulfill your purpose on earth and leave a legacy.
Consistent Profit System

Increase your profit consistently and give generously to the Kingdom.

Reach out for more information on one - or all - of these systems.

“By the end of our year working cycle, I had doubled my income”
Jason Thompson, Myatherapy Massage Inc.
“We’ve been able to improve our systems, increase profits, and streamline our projections and tracking processes.”
Collette Portis, Destined Designs
“Benson taught me how to structure my business and drive profit in a way I never knew was possible”
Max Keller, Savior Realty LLC
“Our numbers have never been better. Our stress has never been lower.”
Bill Vaughan, Bulldog Foundation Drilling Inc.
Increase Your Profit In Fewer Hours With A Consistent Profit System

Eliminate Distractions

Eliminate distractions, clarify your value, and attract quality customers

Increase Your Profit

Stop the roller coaster and increase your profit consistently.

Work Fewer Hours

Work fewer hours so you can invest more time with God and your family.
Time Freedom + Predictable Profit

Do you own your business or does it own you?

Our clients who have experienced time freedom and predictable profit include: real estate, foundation drilling, professional associations, memberships, massage therapists, medical professionals, and others who felt like a slave to their current business.

Your Consistent Profit Tree process will pinpoint how you can increase your profit while working fewer hours.

Your Consistent Profit Tree Process


Schedule A Call

By the end of this call, you will have a Consistent Profit Map you can use to grow more profit in fewer hours.


Design Your Systems

At this stage, we design 1, 2 or 3 unique systems for your life and business.


Grow Consistent Profit

Consistent, efficient and profitable systems give you time freedom and empower you to scale your business.

Take the first Step Towards Consistent Profit

How do I know where to start when creating business systems?

Many business leaders want to create systems but don’t know where to start. Our simple approach will guide you step by step even if you tried and failed in the past.   No matter how unique your business is, systems can be put in place to create consistent results…just like the systems that work inside our physical bodies.

Isn't building a system too time consuming?

Some leaders procrastinate investing time to create systems because they think it is time-consuming. Yes. Creating a consistent profit system takes time but running a business without systems consumes more time and creates a state of almost permanent overwhelm.

Is it smart to allocate energy towards creating a business system?

The energy required to run a business without systems is more than the energy required to create a consistent profit system.

Is there a return on the money I invest in building and implementing systems?

More money is wasted running a business without systems compared to the money required to create and implement a consistent profit system.

How do systems affect the scalability of my business?

A business without systems is not scalable. The leader becomes a slave to the business. The value of a business with a consistent profit system is considerably higher than the value of a business without systems.

Time waits for no one...

Don’t allow distractions and long hours at work to deprive you from investing time with God and your family. You can be a successful leader at home and at work!